Keenan Jonathan Finegan

April 19th started off like any other day. Keiron and I spent the day relaxing watching Netflix. Sometime around 8pm contractions started becoming more intense. Keiron began to time them and around 10pm, said “It’s time to go.” I puttered around thinking, This can’t be it. So I showered, did hair, make-up, laundry – any and everything to buy time.

I’d heard horror stories about going to the hospital too early.

When we arrived, we were told we’d only dilated to 3cm. The nurse wouldn’t admit us. We suggested walking a bit to see what would happen. 20 minutes later and 2 laps around the L&D floor we were 8cm dilated. The nurse called for the anesthesiologist, but it was too late. Water broke and we were already pushing. 4 sets of pushes- and Keenan Jonathan made his appearance into the world.

Keenan was born April 19, 2020 at 2:19am
7lbs 13 oz * 20 inches long